Fake vomiting is a favorite pastime

Off-the-cuff fizzlebutt sound effects for Out of Order, my Westwood One syndicated radio show. Ron Harris thought to give you a behind-the-scenes video. Album: Everything Album Categories: All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #KROQ Studio #rock of the 80s...

The initiation of KROQ studios in Burbank, 1996

This photo was taken as we were initiating the new studios in 1996. I believe that is Cynthia Takahashi with me in the control room, moving the equipment from the Pasadena studio. As you can see we had already begun to decorate. The filled cabinet was CDs, the empty...

Jed in Burbank studio cir87

The ancient Sony CD players on the right, the ponytail — up — and the visor. It was amazing that we had an extra oscilloscope at all, and that it was in the control room a miracle. It told us if the signal was in phase, important to avoid cancellation (bad sound). As...

Jed in medical scrubs, cir82

Debbie Leavitt contact sheet from 1982, KROQ control room in Pasadena. Never a fashion trendsetter, somehow the DJs picked up on the medical scrubs look. Album: Everything Album Categories: All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio...

Jed in Pasadena control room, cir83

Jed The Fish in the KROQ Control Room, Pasadena, 1983. The ubiquitous Sennheiser 421 microphones. Album: Everything Album Categories: All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio #Pasadena #Control Room #1980s...

Jed in the Pasadena control room, 1982

Baseball shirts were a thing. Jed The Fish, Pasadena KROQ control room. There were carts everywhere. Similar to the old 8-track cartridges, these had a continuous loop with a stop tone (to stop the machine the last time someone played it) just before the beginning of...

Jed in the KROQ Pasadena control room, cir83

Silly grin. Jed The Fish, Pasadena KROQ control room. Turntables! Album: Everything Album Categories: All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio #Pasadena #Control Room #Turntables #1980s...

KROQ cart machines and CD player

Here was the evolution of the Fishface Outline font adorning this site. The taped on numbers on the KROQ control room cart machines. ITC was our choice of cart machines. Certain songs came from private collectors such as Freddy Snakeskin. If it weren’t for these...

Pasadena KROQ control room, 1982

Jed The Fish Pasadena KROQ control room. Various radio station stickers were everywhere. Album: Everything Album Categories: All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio #Control Room #Stickers #1980s...

Jed The Fish and Gleaming Spires in the KROQ Pasadena studio

Where’s Josie? This is the day I asked her what her real name was, and she said, “Well, basically Josie Cotton is my name.” A dedicated bimbo. Pasadena control room. A fake protest was staged outside the Pasadena studios. None of the protesters were angry. Gleaming...

Devo at KROQ in Pasadena

In probably the best shot of the Pasadena control room, a 28 mm lens reveals Devo judging the Rhino Devotees album, for which KROQ listeners submitted their own versions of Devo songs. With phenomenal luck, two of my own made the album. Rhino at the time was known for...

Erasure with Jed The Fish 1986

Just after the album, the band came to the Pasadena studio. Album: Everything Album Categories: 80s All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio #Control Room #Erasure #1980s...

Erasure in the Pasadena control room, 1986

At least I stood up for this one. Erasure with Jed The Fish. Album: Everything Album Categories: 80s All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio #Erasure #1980s #b&w #Control...

More shots from the Gleaming Spires interview.

Very seldom do I get a pro to photograph me at work, but Debbie Leavitt was there on Josie Cotton Day, without Josie Cotton. These are her proof sheets, not actual prints. Album: Everything Album Categories: All Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ Studio...

U2 at KROQ, Burbank 1997

The thing I remember most about this interview is I got Bono to imitate Naked Lunch author William Boroughs. Evidently, the greatest lead singers are adept at imitation. I also remember they smoked like chimneys and brought a case of Guinness, promptly consumed by...

Psychedelic Furs singer Richard Butler and Jed The Fish

I must have met with Richard Butler a half-dozen times, and we always had laughs. One night before a show at the Forum he asked if I had decent seats, and I said, yeah, not bad. When he came onstage and saw me dead center in the front row, his eyes jumped out of his...

Peter Gabriel at KROQ Pasadena in 1982

He was always such a genteel person. Shortly after this interview in 1982, he led a crowd of people from the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach across PCH into the Pacific Ocean. His last encore song that night was I Go Swimming, to be release the next year. Here, he's...

Michael Hutchence and Tim Farriss of INXS, with Jed The Fish

I know, how many photos of me in the Pasadena control room can you stand. But there I was with INXS shortly before the first US Festival in 1982. Great smile on Michael Hutchence. Album: Everything Album Categories: 80s All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ...

Jed The Fish with John Hiatt, cir.1979

This guy wound up doing 22 studio albums and he is a famous songwriter. John Hiatt is still one of the most popular singers and writers for other artists. Album: Everything Album Categories: 70s All Around the Station Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the 80s #KROQ...

Animation with Jed The Fish in the Control Room, cir. 1984

This was a group actually grateful for their success. This was when they were touring extensively with groups like Depeche Mode, Eurythmics, and INXS. Animotion was from Los Angeles. Album: Everything Album Categories: 80s All Tags: #Jed the Fish #KROQ #rock of the...